Freddy Robert

  • 312 view(s)

Freddy Robert

  • 312 view(s)

About Freddy Robert

Choose Creative House Decors on the Wall and CeilingĀ 

If you can't make a room look spacious, maybe one way to outsmart is to make the room look more attractive. For that, you can try to decorate the bedroom lively but still simpel.

House Decors Using wallpapers with cheerful motifs can be one way to start this thing. Bedroom model " bold " like this will divert attention from the narrowness of a room so that the function of the room as a place to rest will be more leverage.

In addition, using House Decors can also give the impression of being more alive in a narrow room. So, try to apply the decoration to the ceiling of the room. You can use a drop ceiling or up ceiling.

The level of the ceiling will give a dynamic impression to the bedroom. If you want to be more creative, you can hang items that are often placed in the lower ruangan such as table lamps and bed lights on the ceiling.

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