Trisha Miller

  • 1548 view(s)

Trisha Miller

  • 1548 view(s)

About Trisha Miller

I have resided in Tucson, Arizona since 1980.Married, with 2 adult daughters, 3 granddaughters, and a grandson on the way. I own and operate an online fine jewelry store, and I am also a full-time teacher at the local community college for the past 21 years. I opened an online fine jewelry boutique four years ago, after a brief visit to the Tucson Gem and Mineral show. My purpose was to acquire a gemstone I had lost out of a ring. That evening the idea came to me to start a jewelry business. Considering my present circumstances with the opportunity to soon retire from teaching, I found this to be a possible way to supplement my retirement income. Owning a jewelry business inspired many interests and passions, with many things to learn and explore. Knowledge of your goods is important, and so is being able to sell, and that's where the photography has come in. Beautiful jewelry, a business, and a way to express my creativity. Through it all, I am developing many avenues to be able to take my knowledge, skills, and creativity. I'm creating my own perfect world, and loving every minute.

From gemstones to jewelry and photography, as well as an owner of an online jewelry business, I have taken my passions for all to a whole different level. Photographs to display inventory is a must to successfully portray jewelry in order to maintain a successful business, particularly in the online market world to which we have evolved.  Through my love of gemstones and jewelry, I have become passionate with photography to be able to capture and convey the beauty through pictures, allowing the human eye to see spectacular colors, reflections and faceting of gemstones and the creative workmanship of the jeweler.



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