Marc Serhan

  • 1827 view(s)

Marc Serhan

  • 1827 view(s)

About Marc Serhan

The virus for story telling in any form hit me when I received a 4x4 non-reflex film camera (Brownie) for my 11th birthday. At 17, I was roaming the streets of the world to catch 'indelible stolen moments' from real people in real circumstances: captured moments carrying within the gist of a story with no beginning or end.

Although life vicissitudes propelled me along various paths through the years, photography has never left my side.

I am a New York Portrait and Commercial Photographer.


  • Bachelor in French Literature  (Sep, 1970 - Oct, 1971)

    Lycée Van Vollenhoven

  • Photigy Certification

    This photographer is cetrified by Photigy School of photography

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