Lisa Daubermann

  • 667 view(s)

Lisa Daubermann

  • 667 view(s)

About Lisa Daubermann

Hi, I'm Lisa and live in Cape Town, South Africa.

My passion is photography.
My joy is product photography, it is a natural fascination. The more technical the better. Every product has its own beauty, it just has to be shown.

In today's world of the World Wide Web everyone Googles to shop. Whether it is to see an item online to then go an buy it in person at the shop, or to buy the product online. Having your products online is vital to your business success in sales. So why not invest in your future sales? First impressions count. You know this happens in a split second. So it makes sense to have stunning, perfect, powerful photographs of your products. Through the photographs you will maximise your sales.

Let me help you do this. I urge you to move away from cell phone photos and invest in your future sales with engaging with me, a professional photographer.

Product photography is vital to all websites. My services are available to everyone who wants to increase their sales. I am reliable, details orientated, honest, approachable, consistent, I also become a Team Member of your business, yet totally independent. My clients comfortably courier their products to me once a full brief and Cost Estimate has been finalised. It is hassle free. Just Do It!

My clients are always thrilled with how their products end up looking, so incredibly professional. Their photographs elevate their business and stand head and shoulders above their competitors. Professional end to end.

I look forward to engaging with you and your business. Let's Chat!


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