diana boneva

  • 793 view(s)

diana boneva

  • 793 view(s)

About diana boneva

Hi, I’m Diana, a product photographer based in Bulgaria.

I’m helping brands from all over Europe to visually represent themselves on the market and to increase their sales.

I specialise and work only in the field of product photography. This includes a strong knowledge in the creativeness and styling. All of those is a must  nowadays for digital and physical advertising, presentations, catalogs and so on.

I work quickly and efficiently. Its important for me to give my customers a service they can rely on both- artistically and professionally.

My photographs has been featured several times in food magazines in the U.K., such as "Vegan food and Living" and "The Hectic Vegan"

I have also been recognised as one of the best photography students in the online platform I studied "Photigy"

One of the best parts of my job is when I see my customers achieving great results with the photos I've taken for them. That really helps them to stand out more from their competitors, looking more professional and more recognisable. All of that leads to more sales of course.

This is how professional photography pays for itself when used correctly with effective  marketing.


Have a question about your product or brand..?

Don’t hesitate to ask right here, right now. 🙂


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